One of the best ways to avoid exposure to 5G radiation is to educate yourself on the most common sources, the extent of risks to your health, and the best measures to prevent this.
It will be useful to watch the news and research information on current studies and tests. The biggest issue with something like 5G radiation is that it takes a long time to study the affects on human health, all while people are being exposed to it every day.
As with many other things in life, it’s best to have as much knowledge as possible so you can make informed decisions about how to deal with 5G radiation.
Yes, we may not know the full extent of its dangers, but we have plenty of information on the risks of 4G radiation, and this can be used to extrapolate. Just make sure you stay informed on the current thinking, and use this to shape the way you deal with 5G radiation.
5G Radiation Levels – Is it Safe?
When it comes to discussing EMF radiation (particularly 5G), safe is a difficult word to use.
There are known risks of radiation exposure, whatever its form, but the issue is how dangerous this radiation realistically is to the human body.
After all, millions (if not billions) of us use electronic devices on a daily basis, and it’s not very common to see the effects of radiation exposure.
It’s impossible to currently know the long-term effects of low-frequency radiation exposure, simply because we haven’t been using them for long enough.
However, many studies have found that the use of these low-level frequencies are linked to a variety of health issues, including:
Disruption of cell metabolism
Oxidative damage (free radicals)
Melatonin reduction
DNA damage
Increased permeability of the blood/brain barrier
Generation of stress proteins
Also, way back in 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) determined that radio frequency radiation was a possible cause of cancer. While this link wasn’t explicitly confirmed, it does raise questions about the use of 5G networks and how this will affect our health.
The biggest difference between 5G and its previous versions is that it uses much shorter wavelengths. This has a number of possible health issues, but the biggest concern is that it means there will be significantly more reception towers, which will lead to higher levels of 5G radiation than we’ve seen in the past.
A greater number of reception towers means one thing: greater exposure to radiation. The current thinking is that, in order to provide the levels of connectivity we expect from our mobile devices, we could possibly need reception towers or boosters on nearly every building.
Unlike 4G reception towers, which are already too common, there will need to be a 5G tower everywhere you look.
The short answer to the safety question is that we simply don’t know at this stage. It looks increasingly likely that the radiation levels won’t be classified as “safe,” but it’s possible to argue that current radiation levels aren’t safe either.The one thing we know for sure is that our exposure to 5G radiation is only going to be greater than with previous generations of mobile signal.
Concerns, Negative Effects, and Risks of 5G
The biggest concern with 5G radiation is the long term effects it might have on our health. As stated above, EMF radiation has been linked to a number of health issues, and has been labeled as a potential carcinogen.
But again, it depends on the authority of the studies conducted, and the explicit link between EMF radiation and cancer, which hasn’t yet been established.
From a health perspective, the biggest concern is the increase in 5G waves compared to 4G or previous generations. It’s known that there will need to be more reception towers to compensate for the shorter wavelengths, but the main reason for this is that the shorter wavelengths have difficulty passing through objects such as walls, trees, and human skin.
This means there’s potentially less danger than with 4G radiation, simply because there’s less possibility of it entering our bodies.
The risk to our health stems from the increased and prolonged exposure to this new frequency, which will increase in use exponentially with the installation of 5G reception towers. This means there will be less opportunity to avoid 5G radiation while going about our daily lives, and so the risk of adverse effects on our health will be increased.
In response to these main concerns about EMF radiation, many countries have brought in laws to limit exposure to radio waves.
For example, France introduced a law that stopped nurseries from installing Wi-Fi to limit young children’s exposure to harmful EMF radiation. Similarly, a study in Namibia banned the advertising of mobile devices to children in an effort to reduce their exposure.
The bottom line regarding concerns and negative effects of 5G radiation is that more research needs to be conducted into the health risks it poses.
The leading studies used worldwide (such as the one by the WHO) state that EMF radiation might be linked to cancer, but a more explicit link needs to be established in order to work out the next steps.
5G Radiation Studies
Studies into 5G radiation aren’t as in-depth as with previous generations of mobile signals, mainly because the technology is still quite new.
The findings of the studies also need to be taken lightly for now, mainly because there might be considerable bias behind them. For example, The Nation found a link between the telecoms industry and an attempt to downplay the dangers of 5G radiation.
As mentioned previously, one of the most important pieces of research in this field is the study conducted by the World Health Organization back in 2011. It classed mobile devices as a Class 2B carcinogen, which means a possible link, but this is a category also shared by aloe vera and pickles and so ultimately needs to be taken with some skepticism.
One of the most important areas of research that needs to be investigated further is the impact of 5G radiation on children.
We are becoming dependent on mobile devices very early in our lives, and so the risk this poses is of great importance. Mobi-kids is currently developing a study in 13 countries to examine this in more detail.
The National Toxicology Program has recently released information on a range of studies conducted into the dangers of mobile signals.
The most important things to take away from these studies is that they used 2G and 3G networks (which shows how far behind technology these studies have to work) and that conclusions about links were very difficult to draw out.
To highlight the lack of research into 5G radiation it’s important to look at the most current concerns. In April 2018 the International Society of Doctors for the Environment called for a halt on the rollout of 5G technology in order for more research to be conducted.
They state that their judgment is a precautionary measure, which again doesn’t explicitly link 5G radiation to negative health effects, but argues that more time is needed for research.
The main thing to take away from these studies is that we just don’t conclusively know the link between 5G radiation and the risks it might pose to our health, and that more research should be done before its introduced. However, this is unlikely to happen because the technology is already being rolled out in a number of countries, and these kinds of studies take several years to complete.
As users of these new technologies, we should do everything possible to reduce our exposure to the potentially harmful 5G radiation. We should educate ourselves on the most current research, and be aware if these findings change. But most importantly, we should always look into the background of these studies because many will be backed by companies that have something to gain from the results.
5G Radiation vs 4G Radiation
The main difference between 4G and 5G is that the former uses lower frequency waves, and so reception towers can be set up miles apart and still work fine.
5G reception towers however need to be much closer together because the network uses much shorter and higher frequency wavelengths. This means we could even see mini cell receptors being attached to almost every home in order to get better cover.
So what does this really mean? It essentially boils down to the fact that every electronic device gives off electromagnetic radiation, and while this is something we come into contact with on a daily basis already.
The true impact of 5G radiation hasn’t been tested fully, and the increased number of reception towers needed for the network will greatly increase exposure.
The very fact that 5G networks are being introduced as a replacement to 4G means there are differences between the two networks, but what are the main differences?
They use different frequencies
4G networks run on frequencies below 6GHz, whereas 5G networks use frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz. This means 5G networks operate on higher frequencies using shorter-range radio waves. Ultimately, they can’t travel as far, but are more efficient at what we need them to do.
5G frequencies also have greater directional accuracy than 4G. 4G reception towers currently work by shooting radio waves (and radiation) in different directions, which isn’t the most energy efficient method of delivering data to customers.
5G towers however can be used to provide accurate data beams in a greater concentration than 4G, and can potentially supply super-fast bandwidth to more than 1000 devices per square meter than 4G.
5G is much faster
Using higher frequency radio waves means greater bandwidth speeds. This translates to internet speeds over 20 times faster than 4G, and means your phone could load a webpage in under a millisecond.
However, these high frequency waves mean there’s more potential for interference from weather, buildings, and other sources, which is why there needs to be more reception towers. More reception towers means more radiation exposure.
Final Thoughts on 5g Radiation Dangers And Protection
5G radiation is still a relatively new concept in the world of radio frequencies, and its effect on our health isn’t properly studied.
Although conclusive links between EMF radiation exposure and cancer haven’t been explicitly established, there’s enough research around to show that it’s something we should be concerned about.
So working on current information, what should we do about 5G radiation?
Ultimately, we should educate ourselves as much as possible and take proactive steps to limit our exposure to radiation wherever possible.
Changing your routine now before the rollout of 5G networks will mean you’re in good habits when it is released. And it won’t do any harm to be cautious about your exposure to radiation.