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How Does Frequency Therapy Work?
Nicola Tesla said that if you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. Everything in the universe has a vibrating frequency, properly called a resonant frequency. How does a Rife machine work? The theory, in plain English, can be understood using the analogy of an opera singer who can shatter a crystal glass with her voice. The glass is naturally vibrating at a certain frequency, and when the singer sings a continuous note at that frequency, the glass shatters.
In the same way, each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or Mortal Oscillatory Rate). When you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stress, and the pathogen is disabled or dies. Rife resonators generate resonance waves that destroy harmful pathogenic organisms without doing any harm to the users.
Who Was Royal Rife? The Backstory
In the early 1920's Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) discovered a means to view live viruses under the microscope that he built (called the Universal Microscope) with over 6,000 parts and magnification up to 60,000 times the subject’s normal size. Because of this tool, he was awarded the honor of being the first scientist to discover, by viewing it live, the cancer virus that attacks human cells.
Rife discovered the unique spectroscopic signature of each cancer virus and was able to identify several variants using a slit-spectroscope, which involves a crystal that shines light through an instrument to split the light into individual wavelengths. He used the color wavelength (spectroscopic signature) to make them visible under the virus microscope (Universal Microscope).
By using his microscope Rife discovered processes that had never been described in the medical world before; bacteria that could transform itself into different shapes, also called polymorphous bacteria. Rife described four different forms. Subsequently one of these forms was called T-Bacilli by another scientist, Wilhelm Reich. It was believed that these T-Bacilli were able to transform ordinary human cells into cancerous cells. A revolutionary discovery: bacteria that can cause cancer.
The viruses would morph into different shapes throughout their life cycle in a way similar to insects (i.e. a butterfly laying eggs that become worms that develop into butterflies). Without this knowledge it is difficult to track the virus and easy to confuse it with other entities.
What Is the RIFE Frequency?
After several years of tracking these cancer viruses, Dr. Rife reported that he had developed a technique referred to as the RIFE Frequency. Simply put, he used the resonant frequency (the unique resonant frequency that each virus vibrates at) to cause them to oscillate. He then increased the intensity of the frequencies which resulted in the structural integrity of the virus collapsing and destroying itself. This phenomena was referred to by Rife as the “mortal oscillatory rate” or MOR.
The fact that every cell and bacteria resonate at their own unique frequency with healthy cells and probiotics vibrating at higher frequencies resulted in only the targeted viruses getting destroyed, leaving the other tissues intact. The germ gets killed and the body is relieved of the infectious agent without damage.
Rife Tests His Experimental Treatment
In 1934, Royal Rife was given a number of human test subjects. This group was from the Pasadena County Hospital and all of them had terminal cancer. They had been essentially left to die because no more could be done for them by the cancer industry.
Under the supervision of a Special Medical Research Committee of pathologists and oncologists from the University of Southern California (USC), the patients were brought to Rife’s laboratory in San Diego to undergo his unique experimental treatment.
It was their job to expertly document the progress of the patients over a 90-day period during treatment. They reported astounding results: 86.5% of the patients were completely cancer free. Another 13.5% received an adjusted treatment (more potent) for an additional 30 days and then they also became 100% cancer-free. In conclusion Rife’s “beam-ray” technology was reported to be 100% effective against terminal (stage IV) cancer in all of the participants.
Rife reported that his treatment simply caused the viruses to become denatured (structurally break down) which deactivated them.
Not Everyone Wants a Cure for Cancer
Rife’s technology posed a huge threat to the cancer industry and medical institutions in general who, according to statistics, get most of their revenue from oncology. In other words, if cancer can be cured they would go bankrupt − and lose out on making billions of dollars treating cancer patients.
The cancer industry was dedicated to preventing the public from discovering that there was a painless and inexpensive treatment that had a 100% cure rate for terminal cancer within Rife's study. Without the need for drugs, there would be no need for Big Pharma. The establishment moved fast to debunk the truth before it could get out and they were quite successful.
Royal Raymond Rife’s success stories were the beginning of his downfall. His character was destroyed, his microscope was dismantled and key parts stolen. His colleagues were threatened so that they turned their back on him and his archive of evidence proving that cancer can be cured was also stolen. It was devastating, but he continued on with his protocol the best he could until he died in 1971 at age 83 from alcoholism and sleeping pills.
RIFE Quantum Resonant Frequency Therapy

In the 1980s there was a renewed interest in Rife’s work with Barry Lynes' book ‘The Cancer Cure That Worked’. Since then research concerning Rife's findings and technologies has continued around the world. Resonance Therapy, as given by Tobias, has been developed through an extensive study of not only Rife’s findings, but also the works of George Lakhovsky, Hulda Clark, Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Marcel Vogel, and many more. With the ability to advance modern electronics, several complimentary machines have been developed and are now in use. The knowledge that these groundbreaking scientists began is continually being advanced through Tobias' practices and the studies of experts around the world. Tobias utilizes the resources of the largest RIFE frequency database in the world.
How does the RIFE System Work Remotely?
Albert Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance." Modern physics calls it "quantum entanglement." Simply put, it means that if any part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on the part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system, and vice versa. For example, a fingernail is a part of a single system - that system is you. So when frequency energy is transmitted to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you - and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body. Your DNA. This is how it is possible to cause a desired effect at any distance "through the air". This is the true Quantum advantage.
What Types Of Protocols Are Possible?
Aura balancing
Blood Chemistry
Bone Assessment
Chakra balancing
Chromosome/DNA assessment
Comprehensive nutritional panel
Dental profile
EEG (brain waves)
EKG (heart)
Geopathic stress
Herbal Medicines
Examples of:
Muscle/Sports Injuries
Spinal Flow Adjustment
Meridian Therapy and Chakra Balancing
Electronic Reflexology
Color and Crystal Therapies
Skin, Beauty, and Anti-Aging Therapies
Weight Loss
Environmental Sensitivities
Nutrition, and Vitamin Deficiencies
Hormone Inbalances
Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi and Parasites
Mental and Emotional States
Stress detection and stress reduction at same time
Immediate results
Detects organ stress before it becomes disease
Fully objective, eliminating operator bias
Great for children: no need to communicate their problem
Much, much more!
Take Back Your Life
Contact Tobias to learn more about acquiring your own Rife, plasma, or scalar systems, and the one-on-one private lessons available to fast track you into the future.
Take control of your own wellbeing and treat yourself and your family in your own home.
Among the most promising cutting-edge therapies in the world today.
The RIFE devices are used worldwide by Doctors, Kinesiologists, Dentists, Veterinarians, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists, Nutritionists, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists, Biofeedback Technicians, Massage Therapists, and many other professional practitioners. In addition, many people from all walks of life own and use their own Biofeedback and RIFE systems.
The quantum software and frequency generation systems such as the SCIO and Rife used here are not approved by the FDA or the Canadian Medical Association as medical devices. They are intended for use as experimental electronic devices only. They are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, cure, treatment, or mitigation of any disease or illness in human beings. Neither are they designed or intended to affect the function or structure of any human body system. We make no medical claims whatsoever for the use and application of any of the frequency generation systems spoken about here. If you have a problem with your health, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.
In the US, you can legally use frequency systems such as those described here for testing, energy balancing, life extension, and relaxation. You can experiment using frequencies on bacterial cultures, laboratory animals, and yourself. You still have a legal right to self-medicate under the Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution.
In Germany and South Africa, as well as some other nations, frequency devices are legally licensed as medical instruments. Please note that we are not responsible whatsoever for the use, abuse, or misuse, intentionally or unintentionally, of any of the frequency generation systems or any of their component parts due to any circumstances beyond our reasonable control. In any case, I, Tobias Beharrell, or any of my associates, shall have no other liability. By using these frequency generation systems, you, the user, understand and accept that you have no expectation of curing any ailment. You also understand that possible negative physical and/or mental effects, unknown to us, might result from the use of these frequency generation systems. Moreover, you intend to undertake only responsible experimentation, and you voluntarily accept all responsibility for the use and application of all frequencies generated by the systems described and used on this site. Furthermore, you agree that you will not hold us responsible for any consequences, whether harmful or otherwise, that may occur as a result of using the frequency generation systems used by us and/or described and discussed on this website or elsewhere.