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Revelation of What Must Soon Come to Pass
Many modern day Christians cringe at the assertion that any of us can know when the events of the end times will occur. What does the word of God say?
Revelation 1: This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass.
This is very clear. God wishes to show His servants what must soon come to pass. And the Book of Revelation outlines a great deal of this future timeline. Yet another "cringe" occurs amongst many believers when someone claims to have an idea of when these events
will occur. Why? Mostly because the modern church reminds us:
Matthew 24:36
36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,1 but the Father only.
Much of Matthew 24 is referring to the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus’ first advent into the world took place over two-thousand years ago, yet nobody knows when His Second Coming will return, except the Father.
“Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:33-36).
As Jesus explains in this passage of Scripture, nobody knows when the Second Coming will be except the Father. The Lord Himself didn’t know when the Second Coming would occur because only the Father is to know. It absolutely does not refer to all of the events of the end times, as so many people have been lead to believe. There are so many reasons why we should expect to know what is going to happen. The signs, patterns, and day counts are for this reason alone. This is incredible, and so important! Remember, "This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass." Please, read that again. If you believe the bible tells us that no one knows anything about what is happening or will happen in the end days (especially the order and timing of things), you have been mislead.
The Book of Revelation is written in overlapping layers from various perspectives. Much of its foundation is through patterns elsewhere in the bible. It is NOT written in order of events. This cannot be disputed. Further, Revelation is filled with many time counts, day counts, and a multitude of events which when broken down clearly give a timeline of the end. Everything relating to time in the Book of Revelation is LITERAL. Otherwise, it would be useless. This comes as a surprise to many, especially as without considerable study it is hard to wrap your head around. Nonetheless, it is true. In fact, if one "begins at the end and counts backwards [with day counts, etc. in the Book], it is not difficult to come to a very clear and literal Timeline of events for the End Times as given in this Book which God gave Jesus so that we will know what must come to pass. There are several video studies below that can explain this much more clearly and deeper.
As it has taken many years to understand myself, I do not expect any of you who are not familiar with these parts of scripture to be able to understand it overnight. Further, while I have no doubt the Holy Spirit may bless anyone with any number of "instant gifts of knowing", in many cases is seems at this time that unless you dedicate many days and hours of intense study on what I am talking about here, it may be "too late" because we are well into the end of days as I write. One needs only look at the Timeline taken from the Bible itself, compare it to current (and ongoing) world events to understand this fact. But I am not here to scowl at anyone who is not aware of these things; in fact, the contrary. I am writing this brief information for all those who truly and innocently have missed God's desire for all believers to know quite precisely what is happening right now - during the End Times.
With so much information given to us through study of scripture, it is difficult for me to know where to start. And surely I cannot possibly endeavor to give the full story/outline here. But I do wish to give some valuable clarity using scripture and the study of God's word in the hope that it will help some of you during times of chaos.
Some background....
"No one knows the day or hour..." Examining the passage everyone likes to quote, but few people actually know the meaning of! (For those who think that this is 'pre-wrath'...I hope you'll check out the timelines below. Revelation tells us that there are actually 3 raptures not just one!) Watch!
The Importance of The Book of Revelation
The ultimate lie is only understood once we place the final pieces of the puzzle and stand back to look at the entire biblical picture, which reveals the story of reality. The plot of that story, especially the part contained within the book of Revelation, is purposely being distorted and withheld by the powers of evil. Why?
The dark forces in the heavenly realm do not want any of us to learn that only humans were given total dominion over the entire earth, and not any of the angelic beings, which were given other roles and responsibilities. In the bible study Restoring Our Lost Dominion, Brenda Weltner fully explains how evil stripped us of our originally intended inheritance, and their plans to additionally steal the dominion given to us by God.
These last few puzzle pieces bring the entire biblical story together. It all makes sense now that evil’s final battle plan is uncovered. Will it be easy? Of course not. This is why we must start to spread the message of truth to as many people as we can as quickly as possible. Time is running out and people need to prepare to go through the most epic time in human history.
The Final Pieces of the Puzzle (Link to more comprehensive information)
Did you know that Babylon is still alive? Mystery Babylon, the Harlot, the New World Order - they ALL refer to the same thing. It is a SYSTEM. The system which "sits on many waters" (worldwide) that we have all lived within our entire lives.
The Harlot:
Modern Christian Churches (the "institutional church")
Modern Medicine
Modern Education
Modern Science
Modern Financial Systems
What is the common denominator here with the Harlot system? Simply put, it is the false system which appears real - churches which claim to represent God's truth yet are not, medicine which claims to heal yet does not actually heal (hides symptoms), education which claims to teach yet only teaches lies and twists history and the truth (don't think for yourself, repeat after me!), Science which claims to have all the answers yet has been weaponized against the people to control them in ways unimaginable (Convid19), and a financial system of money printing that is stacked in favor of he who has the best ink (fiat money system, completely opposes fair trade which God would want ). And all together, this system is described in the bible by the story of the Garden of Eden:
Adam and Eve were warned NOT to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why? Well, as you can see by the Harlot system which began in the garden, the "Good and Evil" of the Tree of Knowledge are actually both Evil and Evil. The "Good" is FALSE GOOD. This is what it means. The Tree of Knowledge was Satan's tree. God gave us the Tree of Life. Entirely different! Satan's Tree of Knowledge is actually the Tree of Death.
So you see, the Harlot (New World Order) has been running this world for a very long time. All too often God has been blamed for all the evil things that Satan has caused in our world. The truth is, the times we are in is a progression God is causing to happen so that all the fallen ones will be brought to one place to be judged once and for all. That is what this is really about (and more).
Who (or What) is behind the drive for war?
Why is Israel so important in all of this? (AND what is happening RIGHT NOW)?
The UFO/Alien Deception
One of the greatest deceptions is that of the UFO/UAP phenomenon which has developed since the mid 1900's. Flying saucers, alien non-human beings abducting people, some even claiming to become impregnated by the beings. Often mocked as insane, the phenomenon is increasingly accepted as real - especially as the number of high-level government officials and people "in the know" claiming the phenomenon as legitimate increases. Why then, is this phenomenon a deception? First of all, understand that this phenomenon IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING. The deception is not about whether or not it is real - the deception is the fact that it has been "re-packaged" since the mid-1900's to be a separate phenomenon from the biblical creatures and happenings. They are, in fact, one and the same. The fallen angel narrative has never ended, it has just been re-framed in order to remove what is happening from what the bible is actually telling us.
The non-human aliens are the continuation of the ancient story - "the sons of God came unto the daughters of man". Yes, "aliens" and "demons" are one and the same. The narrative has been twisted for several decades to make sure most people focus on a Hollywood-style UFO mystery rather than connect the dots to the biblical history. This is huge, and plays a big role in the end times!
If your church or pastor (or "religion") forbids the discussion or study of such topics, you are positioned for great confusion in the days to come. Recall what Jesus said in Revelation 1. The word of God is what matters, above the word of man. Even the elect will be deceived. No wonder! If your pastor or church is not teaching you these things, you are at a very distinct disadvantage.
So often we are taught that as sinners it is our future to suffer. However, Jesus said that God wants us to know what is happening so that we will not fear, and to ease our suffering. To be excited that the old world is coming to a close and a new world lies before us!
The following video explains why some of these things have been put into play, and what the possible outcome of these deceptions will be upon the world.
It is very difficult to understand the scope of what is currently happening in the world without connecting the fact that the fallen angels had children and continue to interfere with humans through what is called "Alien Breeding programs", including abductions around the world without the consent of individuals involved. Many other examples of non-human beings interacting with humans also exist. What should you expect? Is this a concern or worry for you? Should it be? Is it important? YES, it is, because what is happening (and about to happen) on this planet is a return of all of these beings to Earth so that God may take care of the ancient problem once and for all. This is largely what the Book of Revelation describes - the bringing back/releasing/allowing of these beings to return to earth so that they may be judged. Watch this...
It's impossible to understand the craziness in the world apart from a spiritual perspective.
You talked about the Timeline of the Book of Revelation, so what does it really say?
Well, this is what it says - if in fact 2024 is the year of rapture/s, these are the dates according to the day counts specifically from the Book. (I include this here for any of you who unfortunately do not have time to test the authenticity yourself - I assure you, it is true. These are the words of God - see for yourself!) God has had a plan since the beginning of time.
Our problem as believers is sometimes we get sidetracked on our focus, especially during the last days, during these end times where we're seeing so many of these events happening in the world around us.
It's important to understand that the fulfillment of the end times is not based on any eschatology that is common in the world. For the most part, most mainstream, systematic theology that includes eschatology has lost the plot. They have lost the reason for the end times to begin with. They have lost the plan of God, the hope of God, what he plans to do during the end times and how He is going to bring everything back into place where it should be by the time the new heavens and the new earth come into being. So in order to really understand the end, we need to understand the beginning. And in fact, this is what God has said:

There are many more resources for you to study. Please, commit time to understanding what God said he wanted us to know. Time is short.
Look at the topics of these playlists - there is something to answer questions for everyone. And these topics are expanded on by studying the bible itself!
And may God bless you in every way, in the name of Jesus. Thank you for taking the time to look through this information - it is provided to brothers and sisters in Christ, and to those who are not sure what to believe in a world gone mad. May the Holy Spirit fill each and every one of you with truth, inspiration, and faith. In Jesus name.
Let's clear up some confusion about where people go when they die!
What about the Antichrist and the rapture? What is "the Inheritance"?
Did you ever imagine the Fact Checkers "checking" God? Fact Checking Rapture? Get Ready!
On the day that we leave, peace is taken from the earth, and many catastrophes. No one will care where we went, because it will be so horrible on earth. People's hearts will fail them.
There is a great earthquake on the Earth, and catastrophic earth changes all on one day.
A third of the fresh water, wormwood, a mountain that falls into the sea, a third of the light of the sun moon and stars goes away. Famine, petulance.
The Beast will go out to conquer, having shown up the day that we leave. He will probably take credit for winning the war in Israel. This AntiChrist will be a war hero who brought peace, a military man. But the bible tells us the peace will not last, as this same man will create more and more war soon after.